Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Millions of Americans are living with alcohol use disorder. If you would like to take back control of your life, the caring team at Hickory Recovery can help you get started with the right treatment. We have numerous treatment centers throughout Indiana dedicated to helping you find your way back to sober living. Our alcohol addiction treatment program offers safe, effective medical care and medication that reduces the pain of withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Speak with one of our admission staff members to discuss your options for alcohol rehab. We offer both medical and psychological care during your time with us. You’ll start with an effective detox program followed by a more comprehensive recovery plan tailored to your specific situation.

Overcoming an alcohol use disorder poses a huge challenge when you try to do it on your own. However, with qualified treatment staff, you can address underlying conditions and co-occurring mental health disorders impacting your addiction.

Alcohol use pervades our culture, making it difficult for you to avoid triggers. Therefore, our alcohol treatment center equips you with coping mechanisms to help you manage triggers and work through cravings without relapsing.

First Steps to Addiction Recovery in Indiana

In the first days after your admission, our medical professionals and therapists concentrate on helping you through the detox process. A supervised, residential alcohol detox program provides the best opportunity for you to maintain your progress, access medications and receive vital medical care.

The withdrawal symptoms of alcohol may include the following:

Shaking • Sweating • Seizures • Hallucinations

The severity of these and other symptoms depends on how long you used alcohol, how much you consumed and your general physical health.

Alcohol Addiction Medications

If you choose inpatient treatment, you receive around-the-clock care and accountability. Our medical team can prescribe medication that enables you to remain comfortable throughout detox and recovery. Without this medication, you may have a difficult time concentrating on your therapy and learning the coping mechanisms needed to avoid a relapse.

Common medications to treat alcohol use disorders include the following:

  • Naltrexone reduces cravings and inhibits the pleasurable effects of drinking alcohol.
  • Vivitrol is a form of naltrexone designed for extended-release usage.
  • Acamprosate decreases cravings and eases withdrawal symptoms.
  • Disulfiram creates a negative effect if you drink alcohol.
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What to Expect in Alcohol Addiction Treatment

If you decide to extend your care beyond detox, you can choose between several options. Typically, inpatient treatment programs last from 30 days to six months. It all depends on your specific needs. We also have outpatient programs to help you transition back to living at home without risking a relapse.

A number of different therapies help you develop the tools and support network needed to maintain sobriety. One of the most popular talk therapies we use is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). During CBT sessions with your therapist, you’ll learn different ways to cope with negative thoughts and feelings that can lead to alcohol abuse. We also offer group therapy so that you can share your experiences with others in recovery.

After Recovery, What’s Next?

Our staff will help you connect with resources in the community that can help you maintain your sobriety. There are many wonderful 12 step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), that provide a safe space to share your triumphs and challenges.

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Are you looking for an effective alcohol addiction treatment program in Indiana? Contact Hickory Recovery today to find a location near you. We would love to become part of your sobriety success story!